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A link I forgot to share

By |2008-12-12T19:43:00+00:00December 12th, 2008|Book Awards, Self promotion|0 Comments

Life does take its twists and turns, within months of winning an award, I find myself presenting others with an award. What a difference 6 months makes, huh. I'm not complaining, I guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Follow the link for lots of lovely pics of grinning me. :-)I also now have a library page, thanks to the folks at Bexley Libraries. Once again, follow the link.

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By |2008-09-26T01:23:00+00:00September 26th, 2008|Book Awards, Self Publishing|0 Comments

'Should I or shouldn't I' is the question I've been asking myself all day. Six weeks ago, I applied for an Arts Council grant, the response arrived in my letterbox yesterday morning and I still haven't opened the envelope. I'm being a scardy cat, in my heart of hearts I reckon it's a rejection. Hence the reason I don't want to open it, I want to go to bed dreaming I've received the grant.Why don't I just open the damn thing and get it over with instead of putting myself through the torture of not knowing? You may ask that question and I actually have a response that makes sense in Sade's World. For those who don't know, this tiny part of the universe does exist. At this point in time, precisely 01:45 hrs, I'm not able to deal with the rejection that may exist, I want to keep my [...]

6:34 pm 6:34 pm

Short List or not

By |2007-09-19T18:34:00+00:00September 19th, 2007|Book Awards|0 Comments

I can't help it, I know I'm fooling myself into thinking Imagine This will be shortlisted for the various prizes I've entered it for.  Friends ask, 'when is the shortlist going to be announced?' I don't have the heart to tell them I don't stand a chance.  I know it's selfish of me, but I've renewed my faith in the Almighty again. I'm one of those people who only seems to find God when they're in trouble and discards him when everything is going well.  Every night I fervently pray for good news, but deep down in the place that knows, I know it's hopless.   Despite this despondency, a tiny corner of my brain won't give up, I'm hoping for a miracle.  What is it they say, believe in miracles but don't depend on them.I'm daring to dream, but will this dream turn out to be a nightmare?  This is [...]

10:26 pm 10:26 pm

Almost Success

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00August 13th, 2007|Book Awards, Self Publishing|0 Comments

DJ,Life is a funny thing.  I've been struggling for such a long time, the last couple of months I've even wondered if I'd made the right decision to give up my job and become a starving writer.  No one sees the toil and the anguish, the daily insecurities I'm riddled with.  I constantly wonder, am I good enough to be compared to the likes of Authors whose names appear on the Booker list, or the Orange prize or any literary list.  Who am I to even dare to believe that my name can be mentioned in the same breath as Chimamanda, Kiran Desai, Zadie Smith or Margaret Atwood.  Then on the other hand I ask myself do I care? I don't know if I do and I don't know if I don't.If I'm completely honest, I don't think of Imagine This in those terms.  It's just a simple story of [...]

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