In the interests of sharing
Below is an article that appeared in True Love, a South African glossy magazine.
Below is an article that appeared in True Love, a South African glossy magazine.
DJ,I don't even know where to start. I've screamed so much in the last two days that I ended up with a splitting headache. What I call my happy head. It's not that anything major has happened, I haven't signed a deal or suddenly won the lottery. No, all that's happened is that my life has been filled with possibilities. I didn't realise that I was feeling despondent with my progress of trying to raise awareness of Imagine This until all the offers for readings started to come in.I guess I should start from the beginning. For the past week or so, I've mounted a campaign to do a series or readings at libraries. Pam, my sister-in-law gave me the idea when her and the kids came round to see me. Once term starts, she's going to speak to the Headmaster of my niece's school to see if they'd like [...]
DJ,I'm definitely getting old. Went to a ball on Saturday thrown by an old Uni friend and I'm still recovering despite spending most of yesterday catching up on lost sleep. Gone are the days where I could party all night and still feel fit for action with 2hrs sleep. No, these days any all nighters I pull, I tend to spend the next couple of days being really grumpy and sleep deprived.It was great to catch up with my friends, sadly one person couldn't make it because there was no one to babysit her adorable boys. I was quite disappointed she couldn't make it, but I guess once you have babies, your life is no longer your own. You've got to finally join the ranks of the unselfish and enter the realms of adulthood. Scary. To think, 12 years ago I graduated from University. I had a certificate which told me [...]
DJI've now become obsessed with face book, not good.Anyway, the good news is that I've another radio interview set up for the 18th and this time the Producer has actually read the book. (Hooray) I'm going to be on Choice FMs Angie Lemar show, I'm a bag of nerves already. Although I don't get a chance to listen every Saturday, I quite like Angie's show. I'm hoping I manage to pull off my intellectual side, which comes out about... well actually, it's never come out. I'm soooooo boring that next to me a blank piece of paper looks interesting. Well, that's enough self-depreciation.Still not heard back from Ruth at Borders, methinks she's had enough of me. :-( I sent her an email asking her to get in touch with Gardners to let them know how many books they wanted to purchase. The idea is that, if Gardners have a firm [...]