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The Continuing Saga

By |2009-01-04T01:31:00+00:00January 4th, 2009|Shop page|0 Comments

So went to Spain to write and ended up dong very little.  Pray tell, what else has changed?  Let's just say it was no big suprise to me, the suprise was that I got anything done at all.For too long I've let my fears crush me and hold me captive.  I think I've reached the bottom and the only way out is to start writing.  To write without fear or judgement of others.  All I can really do is write the story inside and hope it resonates with readers (if I get lucky enough for it to get published).So my game plan is before I go to bed every night to review what I've written and decided what scenes I will write the next day.  I find that if I think in scenes instead of word count, the whole process seems less overwhelming and more inviting.  If I think of [...]

8:24 pm 8:24 pm

How much research should I really be doing

By |2016-12-31T02:17:36+00:00December 11th, 2008|Comares, New book, Shop page, Spain|0 Comments

Ok, so I've found another distraction and I'm not referring to writing this blog.. Nope I'm talking research.  So up in the mountains there's no TV, barely any internet and no distractions.  A place that should be inspiring. A big fat NOT. Well it is peaceful, too peaceful if you ask me.  I think my problem is that I'll always find a distraction no matter what.I'm at a point in my story where the PO comes to the victims home to interrogate the grandfather.  Would that happen in real life? Do I care how it happens in real life.  I'm I writing fact mimicing fiction or fiction mimicing fact.  Yet to come up with an answer.In the meantime, I've asked my inside source all about police procedure and am patiently waiting for a reply.  I had been given the answers before, but it went in one ear and straight out [...]

9:22 pm 9:22 pm

And Where Did The Day Go?

By |2016-12-31T02:17:36+00:00December 10th, 2008|Comares, New book, Shop page, Spain|0 Comments

So who's bright idea was it that I do a minimum of words per day. Of course it was mine, just in case you're wondering the question is rhetorical.I've spent most of the day cursing the fact that I haven't been able to get online due to the wavering internet signal. It can't seem to make up its mind. One moment it's there, the next it's disappeared. Mark the good ole man who is lord of the internet in Comares, of course blames the router. (I'm not saying it's not.) However the last time I was here I did have a ding dong with him and he hung up on me. I guess he wasn't used to speaking to customers who actually knew what a router was. Not that I have a vast technical knowledge of WANs, WLANs or DNS, but this man did take the biscuit, especially when he [...]

9:35 pm 9:35 pm

Day one of writing

By |2016-12-31T02:17:36+00:00December 9th, 2008|Comares, New book, Shop page, Spain|0 Comments

I'm now in Comares where it all started 2 years ago.  I came to write the book I'm currently working on but ended up achieving nothing.  However I did concieve the bright idea to self-publish Imagine This, so all was not lost.Anyway, I decided to come back here because there's nothing to do.  The nearest town Malaga, is a 2hr bus ride, which means getting up at 6am to catch the only bus which passes the at appx 7am.  The bus back doesn't leave until 6pm, needless to say I can't afford to spend a whole day out.  They're too precious.  I've worked out that if I put in enough time and effort, I might just about get half a book done.  Which means no distractions.  Which is easier said than done.  Although there's no TV, I find myself mired in research on YouTube and FB.  Reading other peoples blogs [...]

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