12:42 am 12:42 am

A Shining Light Has Gone

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00December 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

It's amazing how one person can affect the lives of so many. I was never one of those fortunate to meet the Late Great Nelson Mandela, but still I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks, mourning his loss as I listen to the tributes pouring in from across the world.  I remember the day he was set free, glued like millions across the world, waiting with bated breath for that first glimpse of the man who had been locked away fighting for equal rights and the end of the apartheid regime. Never has the loss of a world leader been felt so keenly by so many.  He defined for me what forgiveness looks like and when I think of the petty differences I've held onto in my life I feel a sense of shame especially when I think of his dignity, his courage and his capacity to see [...]

10:25 pm 10:25 pm

Head in the Clouds

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00December 1st, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Arrived in Lagos several hours ago and as I sit in bed the task ahead seems daunting.  Do I have the sheer tenacity and persistence it takes to do business in Nigeria? A part of me quails at the very thought of trying, but the other part tells me, if I can convince one person in Nigeria to support Imagine This, then I stand a greater chance back in London knocking on the door of the establishment. I've not yet gone calling because rightly or wrongly, I feel that it's a closed shop and you have to have an in, on top of that I also feel that my story isn't the kind of story that they want to tell.  So instead I've come to Lagos to find my fortune.  I'm told money follows money, so by my reckoning if I get some funding, it will be much easier to [...]

2:14 pm 2:14 pm

And So The Journey Begins

By |2016-12-31T02:17:32+00:00October 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Things have been busy and time has been a challenge, hence the reason for the long period between posts.  The Raindance Film Festival has come and gone and I saw More Cake on the big screen for the first time.  I don't mind admitting this, it was an emotional experience for me, especially when I remember all the lows I encountered along the way.  But as they say, if a hurdle is put in front of you, jump over it.  If it's too high, go under it.  If it's too low go around it, just don't give up. Anyway, moving on because I do not like to dwell on things that happened in the past.  The absolute fantastic news is that More Cake has now been invited to screen at the 43 Molodist Film Festival in Kyiv.  Little ole me, has never been to Eastern Europe and really wanted to [...]

11:10 pm 11:10 pm

It’s been awhile

By |2016-12-31T02:17:32+00:00December 6th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

So I've been extremely busy trying to build my new website - not me personally - I'm paying some lovely people to help me out since I've no time to do anything.  Today I even forgot to eat, that's how bad my time management has been.  Will be shooting and directing my first short this weekend but don't have time to plan because I've a research report and my first module due next week.  I'm having fun.  Don't worry, it's all self-inflicted and I have no sympathy for me.  I said I wasn't going to leave things till the last-minute and what happens.  Yep, so no sympathy. Anyway, this is a test blog.  I've asked them to incorporate this blog into my new website so I've got everything in one place, they've done something but I have no idea how it all holds together.  So I'm posting this, hoping it [...]

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