Last year if someone had said, ‘Sade you’ll be invited to literary festivals,’ I would’ve said ‘shut up, no way.’ Well yes way.
I’m off to the 12th Time of the Writer Festival in Durban, South Africa in March. And I can tell you I’m pretty excited about it. They are paying for me to come and talk about me and the book obviously. I’m like wow, is this for real. If it’s a dream, let me stay sleeping for just a little while longer.
If my past form is anything to go by, I know I’ll leave everything till the last minute and then start panicking on the day. I’ve tried to break this stupid habit, but every time I find myself exhibiting the same behaviour. I thinks I have a secret self-destruct gene that is helping me to sabotage myself.
Looks like I might also be on a panel at The Sunday Time Oxford Literary festival. Now that is like playing with the big boys. Little moi, at a world renowned festival with heavy weight writers I’ve never wanted to read. I think maybe I should start swotting so I can sound half-way intelligent. It’s not till April, so I’ve some time. Famous last words.
Other possibilities include Free the Word festival by International PEN and the London Book Fair. Hmmm what can I possibly talk about, lets see….
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