I’ve been daydreaming. In a moment of rash optimism, I entered Imagine This into two competitions. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, because now thinking about it, I’m not sure it stands a chance against it’s counterparts. Not because the writing isn’t good, but because I wonder if the judges can relate to the story.
I went onto one of the competition websites and looked up last years winners. What struck me was, all the stories were Eurocentric. Maybe those were the stories they received, but it strikes me as odd. Which got me to thinking about the judges. When they read Imagine This, will the categorize it and say, it’s a black story or will they see beyond colour and judge it on the quality of the writing. Maybe I have nothing to worry about and I’m just letting the little devil on my shoulder drive me crazy with doubt and insecurity.
Well anyway, the reason I started daydreaming is that I called up Mr Bs, because I’d sent him a copy. I wanted to know if he’d managed to read it yet. It turns out he’s received another copy in his capacity as judge of the comp. so he can’t comment. But he hasn’t read it anyway, he’s got a long list to get through. So even though I entered the comp. just last month I’d put it out of my mind. But now the thought has wriggled itself into my consciousness ‘what if I’m shortlisted,’ or better yet ‘what if I win.’ I love daydreaming, my life is filled with what if’s.
What if I win… hehehehehe (evil laughter)
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