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3rd Radio interview

By |2007-07-24T13:47:00+00:00July 24th, 2007|Gardners, Press|0 Comments

DJI've now become obsessed with face book, not good.Anyway, the good news is that I've another radio interview set up for the 18th and this time the Producer has actually read the book.  (Hooray) I'm going to be on Choice FMs Angie Lemar show, I'm a bag of nerves already.  Although I don't get a chance to listen every Saturday, I quite like Angie's show. I'm hoping I manage to pull off my intellectual side, which comes out about... well actually, it's never come out.  I'm soooooo boring that next to me a blank piece of paper looks interesting. Well, that's enough self-depreciation.Still not heard back from Ruth at Borders, methinks she's had enough of me. :-( I sent her an email asking her to get in touch with Gardners to let them know how many books they wanted to purchase. The idea is that, if Gardners have a firm [...]

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Stifling enterprise

By |2016-12-31T02:17:38+00:00July 13th, 2007|Gardners, Selling|0 Comments

DJ,I really must follow my own advice, but I figured it's Friday and I want to tie up any loose ends before I give up the fight.  Well not exactly give up, more like postpone.Switched on my laptop, just to check my mail then got sucked in again.  There was an email from Gardners that didn't really say much or explain anything to my satisfaction.  So I've responded and no doubt I'll be ignored.  I've accepted the fact that I won't be getting Imagine This into Borders, Waterstones or WH Smith, so I've decided to retreat and fight the good fight another day.  In the meantime, just because I can and I know no one is reading this blog other than T & N, I'm pasting my email saga for their pleasure.Dear Sandra,Thank you for your email. Our decision whether or not to stock a book is taken on a [...]

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