1:23 am 1:23 am


By |2008-09-26T01:23:00+00:00September 26th, 2008|Book Awards, Self Publishing|0 Comments

'Should I or shouldn't I' is the question I've been asking myself all day. Six weeks ago, I applied for an Arts Council grant, the response arrived in my letterbox yesterday morning and I still haven't opened the envelope. I'm being a scardy cat, in my heart of hearts I reckon it's a rejection. Hence the reason I don't want to open it, I want to go to bed dreaming I've received the grant.Why don't I just open the damn thing and get it over with instead of putting myself through the torture of not knowing? You may ask that question and I actually have a response that makes sense in Sade's World. For those who don't know, this tiny part of the universe does exist. At this point in time, precisely 01:45 hrs, I'm not able to deal with the rejection that may exist, I want to keep my [...]

10:16 pm 10:16 pm

Beyond Lazy

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00April 12th, 2008|Commonwealth Writers Prize, Self Publishing|0 Comments

Okay so I've not posted anything in 5 months. Not that it really matters. I know for sure that no one is reading these posts. I put a stat counter on and there's only been one hit and I reckon that was me. :-)Since I'm talking to myself in cyberspace, (I'm avoiding another deadline) I might as well recap on my life since the last time I conversed with myself. Anyway where to start, so much has happened since I last logged onto blogger. Book two wasn't going so well so I decided to go back to school and learn how to read and write properly. I figured to be a writer I had to properly learn how to be a writer. I've now come to the conclusion that you can't really be taught. It's one of those things I just have to figure out for myself. Not done too [...]

5:01 pm 5:01 pm

Define despair

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00August 21st, 2007|Avoidance, Self Publishing, Selling|0 Comments

DJ,For the past months, years, days, hours and seconds, I've been making a promise to myself.  Today I'll start the next book I say to my brain. Yet curiously, despite the fact that an outline has been done and the story mapped out.  I find myself staring at a blank piece of paper everyday, it mocks my intent.  It screams 'fill me with words that mean something.'  Each day I make a mental list:1. Go to gym2. Follow up calls for Imagine This (whatever press or media coverage I can get)3. Start 2nd book.If I'm not properly awake by 7am, then Item number 1. goes out the window.  My excuse is traffic, yes I could walk to the gym, but why would I if I can drive there.  It means I don't have use the communal showers and can jump in my car with my smelly sweaty self. Now by the [...]

10:26 pm 10:26 pm

Almost Success

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00August 13th, 2007|Book Awards, Self Publishing|0 Comments

DJ,Life is a funny thing.  I've been struggling for such a long time, the last couple of months I've even wondered if I'd made the right decision to give up my job and become a starving writer.  No one sees the toil and the anguish, the daily insecurities I'm riddled with.  I constantly wonder, am I good enough to be compared to the likes of Authors whose names appear on the Booker list, or the Orange prize or any literary list.  Who am I to even dare to believe that my name can be mentioned in the same breath as Chimamanda, Kiran Desai, Zadie Smith or Margaret Atwood.  Then on the other hand I ask myself do I care? I don't know if I do and I don't know if I don't.If I'm completely honest, I don't think of Imagine This in those terms.  It's just a simple story of [...]

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