12:54 pm 12:54 pm

Rejection – Part of The Life of a Writer

By |2016-12-31T02:17:30+00:00August 24th, 2014|Thoughts|0 Comments

Rejection is one of those things every human being has to deal with on a daily basis; whether it’s about asking someone on a date, applying for a dream job, joining a social group, running for leader of a party or Prime Minister, or submitting an artistic piece of work.  Anything in which we need acceptance, approval or the ego boosting opinion of others, there is the certainty of rejection.  No matter how self-confident a person is, they feel distressed and crushed when rejected and it doesn’t get any easier, each rejection is a fresh wound that needs time to heal. Why am I talking about rejection, well because I submitted a script to yet another competition and several days ago received an email that it’s being considered for the second round.  I know, it should be a time to celebrate this partial victory and I did whoop and holler [...]

7:29 am 7:29 am

The Importance of Sade’s World Short Story Podcasts (SWoSSP)

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00July 31st, 2014|Podcast, Short Story, Thoughts|0 Comments

Since the beginning of time, when we existed in caves, stories have defined us.  It is stories that give meaning and context to our lives.  Author Junot Diaz wrote, “if you want to make a human being a monster, deny them at the cultural level, any reflection of themselves.”  We live in a society where diversity in the media is at its lowest.  I was/am that person who complained bitterly about not seeing a non stereotypical representation of myself in the media I consumed.  I don’t see myself reflected in the stories I read or in the films I watch, but I exist. What I have realised is that, I can’t wait for someone to change things for me, I’ve got to be that change I want to see in the world by creating the kind of content I want to consume.  So my short story podcasts which started out as a marketing tool for [...]

2:33 pm 2:33 pm

Is It The End?

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00July 28th, 2014|Miscellaneous, Random, Thoughts|0 Comments

If I was to have a conversation with my brother about the current global climate, he’d tell me these are the signs that were promised in the book of Revelation and that the world as we know it is coming to an end, and very soon.  Some may scoff at this notion, however, maybe what we need to do is to look at this metaphorically instead of literally. One has only to take one look at the headlines to know there’s a grain of truth in there somewhere.  Several months ago a religious fundamentalist group called Boko Haram, kidnapped over 200 girls in the name of Allah.  I’m pretty sure Allah does not condone the kidnap, rape and torture of young school girls.  Take a more recent headline, the tragic death of 298 passengers on their way to Kuala Lumpur, when their flight was downed by Ukraine/Russian Separatists.  No one [...]

1:38 pm 1:38 pm

Let’s Have Another Throwback Day

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00May 29th, 2014|Radio Plays, Thoughts, Throwback Day|0 Comments

Was going through stuff, trying to declutter.  Hasn't worked, yet, I gave up before I was even ten minutes into the exercise, mainly because I managed to find some stuff like yesterday's poem.  I also found a box full of theatre plays, synopsis for screenplays, short stories and radio plays I'd written.  One of the plays didn't have a title, not even a working one. :-) Strangely enough, none of this stuff has ever been seen by anyone but me.  For good reason too.   So while I was digging through my past attempts at being a writer, I came across this from way back in the past.  I kept it, because it's the first thing I wrote which was commissioned.  I remember the excitement, the validation, the blood sweat and tears and walking into Broadcasting House for the first time and thinking, 'oh my, I'm a real bona fide [...]

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