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My Thoughts on the Diversify Conference

By |2016-12-31T02:17:31+00:00November 14th, 2013|Film, Imagine This, Thoughts, Who am I|0 Comments

Today started with me not wanting to get out of bed, because as usual I was up late. I had to get a draft of the script to the lovely Ben, who is sorting out the budget. Anyway I woke up and thought, I have so much work to do, do I really want to go to a conference and listen to people tell me what I already know? But then I thought, but maybe they will have solutions or action points or suggestions on what can be done to improve the diversity of minority groups in the UK film & TV industry.  I've dipped in and out of the media world through the passing years. I started with radio, managed to get one radio play on Radio 4, but then my lovely producer left to have a baby and that was the end of that.  The next play she [...]

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By |2007-07-10T22:29:00+00:00July 10th, 2007|Random, Who am I|0 Comments

I've failed to live up to my own expectations and now I hate myself just a little bit more. I promised myself I'd start the new book but I keep putting it off and have for the last month or so. I really should start, but I think I'm afraid of failing, so I'm not starting. Which is stupid, everyone knows you have to DO, so once again I'm making myself a promise to immerse myself in the next book and put Imagine This on the shelf for several weeks. I think I need to prove to myself that I can weave words together in a coherent pattern to form a story. Every believes it, I just need a little bit of self-belief. I AM A WRITER, maybe writing 50 lines will convince me...I AM A WRITERI AM A WRITERI AM A WRITERI AM A WRITERI THINK I AM A [...]

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By |2007-07-02T00:12:00+00:00July 2nd, 2007|Who am I|0 Comments

I'm a bit confused, I forget whether I'm Sade pretending to be Lola or Lola pretending to be Sade. Even better maybe I should be Lara pretending to be Lola, pretending to be Sade. Someone show me to the couch.

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