Another day another penny, the way I’m going I’m going to run out of pennies very quickly.  This whole self-publish gig is costing me more than my savings.  Ended up cashing in my shares and only got $425 for them, so by the time that’s converted into pounds I’ll have about £200 to play with.  

Today was the day for sending out freebie copies to various people.  Someone suggested I enter Imagine This for the booker prize, so decided to call them up and find out the entry guidlines.  Mainly because I know most of these prizes are a bit snooty and don’t accept submissions from self-publishers.  Anyway, of course muggins was too late, entry closed ages ago, so I’ll have to wait and submit for next year’s prize.

Spent all day trying to compose a press release for the media.  It was hard, I’m too close to  the book and I’m too close to me.  That makes sense in my head.  Finally managed to get it completed, bust still not happy with the outcome.  I’d like to be a fly on the desk of whoever receives it, what will be going through their minds when they read it.  Will the chuckle, will they be absorbed and want to know more or will they just press delete?