So yesterday, for the first time I actually spoke out loud my burgeoning desire to turn Imagine This into a script.  The response from the individual, while not arctic was definitely a shade cooler than lukewarm.  I’ll admit it, after that encounter, I was downhearted and did wonder if this will ever happen.  I still wonder.

So what has happened today?  Well nothing major, it hasn’t suddenly been optioned, a studio hasn’t offered me a six figure sum to write the script.  What has happened is that, a very well known producer has just sent me the following text: “Can I say how much I enjoyed your book.  Lots to discuss about how to turn it into a script.”  I know it’s not a statement of intent, what excited me about it was 1. She (Yes it’s a she) really enjoyed reading Imagine This. And 2. She sees some potential in actually turning it into a script, unlike the person I spoke to yesterday, she sees the possibilities.  And that what excites me, Imagine This may never become a film, but there is a slight possibility that it might happen because at least one person sees its potential.

That’s what we need as writers, that’s what keeps me writing, that sliver of light that rears its head in those moments of despair and self-doubt.  Yep it’s definitely been a good day.