So weeks have gone by, I’ve sent the email to my almost agent querying certain clauses and I’m still waiting for them to get back to me. The solicitor I used reckons they’re no longer interested and he could be right. However, on this occasion, I’ve decided to keep an optimistic head on my shoulders. I figure I’m not important enough in the food chain to be contacted yet. I imagine if JK emails her agent or publisher, they’ll be returning her mail with a personal call within minutes if not seconds.

That’s the kind of power I hope to one day have, not because I’m a power hungry psycho, but because I’m too impatient. I’m part of the want it to happen now brigade, the kind of person who would put the kettle on and keep checking within seconds to see if its boiled. Not a good trait, but I’m working on it and I’m almost there. I even managed to take my little nieces on a day out, although their mother did tag along. I don’t think she trusted me with them. 🙁 I had a fab time, not too sure about them, they weren’t too keen on all the walking I made them do. Every two seconds it was ‘auntie can we have ice-cream now.’ The joys of childhood, I wish I could have an ice-cream to cure my woes.