12:42 am 12:42 am

Post has begun on the new film

By |2016-12-31T02:17:30+00:00June 23rd, 2015|Film, Self promotion, Thoughts|0 Comments

I've not been dedicated in keeping this blog up to date.  Not because I've particularly been lazy, but mainly because I've been so busy, first with pre-production, then with filming and then with returning everything and finally with getting things back on an even keel.  Today or I should say yesterday, seeing as it's 1am; I hit another milestone.  YAY.  I handed over the precious cargo that is my raw footage, to the editor.  OMG, on one level I feel like a surrogate mother who has carried and nurtured a baby for nine months only to hand the child over to another mother once it has entered this world. Trying to find a suitable editor was a tricky process, I met five wonderful candidates who were willing to work on A Mother's Journey for very little pay and I really couldn't choose between them.  Rather than flip a coin, it actually came [...]

7:43 pm 7:43 pm

A link I forgot to share

By |2008-12-12T19:43:00+00:00December 12th, 2008|Book Awards, Self promotion|0 Comments

Life does take its twists and turns, within months of winning an award, I find myself presenting others with an award. What a difference 6 months makes, huh. I'm not complaining, I guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Follow the link for lots of lovely pics of grinning me. :-)I also now have a library page, thanks to the folks at Bexley Libraries. Once again, follow the link.

3:50 pm 3:50 pm

Procrastination is always a bitch

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00October 4th, 2007|Avoidance, Self promotion|0 Comments

I've been lazy updating this blog.  I really don't know how people find the dicipline to update their blogs every day.So what has been happening in the life of a struggling publisher/author.  Well a lot, I had the bright idea of promoting Imagine This by joining some online book forums.  The biggest mistake of my life, people are just plain vicious.  Last night I didn't get a wink of sleep because I was reeling from the attack on my character by strangers who don't know me or my journey to get to where I am.  According to Hazel, (a lady on the forum) the fact that I've managed to get 5 people to review my book on Amazon and they've given it 5 stars it's apparently highly suspicious and according to her unfair on the people who buy books. Oh my gosh, where have I been. I just read the above [...]

9:43 am 9:43 am

Self Obsession

By |2016-12-31T02:17:37+00:00September 19th, 2007|Author readings, Self promotion|0 Comments

I'm definitely becoming self obsessed. I can't seem to stop googling myself to see if anything else pops up. It's like a sickness and I can't seem to find a cure. I have to at least google my name a minimum of six times a day, just in case I missed something the previous times I gazed glassy eyed at my monitor. Now I'm working on a system to gradually wean myself away from reviews and anything Imagine This related. It is hard, but I know I can survive. Already I'm beginning to feel the sharp withdrawal pains, but I shall resist.Maybe this is a mistake, instead of going cold turkey I should just cut the hours spent looking for myself in cyberspace down. On the other hand, if I hadn't been obsessively looking for a mention of my name, I would never have found this. You're no doubt wondering [...]

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