The Test in Testimony

By |2016-12-31T02:17:30+00:00August 13th, 2014|Podcast, SWoSSP|0 Comments

The above title is a phrase I’m borrowing.  I heard it this morning from a good friend of mine who called to commiserate my abysmal failure to raise the money I needed to get Sade’s World Short Story Podcasts off to a flying start. The campaign ended on Saturday with a total balance of £414.00, which after fees from Indiegogo, Paypal and credit card charges, came to a total of £360.43.  I have to admit I was rather disappointed, but most importantly I felt a lot of shame for some strange reason, even though I had nothing to be ashamed of.  But I guess I was feeling very sensitive and very bruised by the whole experience.  So I curled up under my duvet, (I do that a lot when things don’t go my way) I shut the world away and had a pity party all by myself. However, hunger drove me [...]