So it took me a moment, but I finally got the poster done.  One of the major problems with a no budget project is that one becomes a jack of all trades.  So I shan’t be giving up my day job.

UGH just lost a huge chunk of my post and can’t remember what I’d written, so I shall keep this post short and sweet because my brain is fried.  I really should’ve typed it in Scrivener and then done a copy and paste.  It’s how I normally do my blog posts, but on this occasion I decided to type straight into he text editor and with my luck…

Anyway, I think I said something along the lines of it took me ages to create the posters and for someone who isn’t a graphic designer, it’s not such a bad job.  So basically I was patting myself on the back, which I’m sure does not come across as smug. 🙂

Okay my brain really is fried since I’ve pulled an all nighter 2 days in a row, my eyes are not happy with me, they’re telling me they need a long nap.  A wish I shall grant shortly.  So before my head becomes too big for my pillow, the next task will be crowdfunding campaign to raise funding for the film premiere.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, whoop whoop. 🙂 Okay I’m outta here. sx