It’s 2am and I should be sound asleep, however I’ve stayed up to post my latest blog post because I know if I don’t bite the bullet and do it now, I’ll chicken out and not upload the video.
Now I’m no music producer, however they say when needs must… well I needed a song and I couldn’t afford a real composer, so I sat down and came up with lyrics I felt encapsulated Lola’s feelings. A bit long, but hey it is what it is and I’m happy with the joint efforts of myself and my bestie who is singing. The amazingly talented Claudia Young., whom I had to bully and emotionally blackmail into helping me. You really know who your friends are when the chips are down and I’m truly blessed to be surrounded by some amazing people, who encourage me and tell to reach for my goals. Thank you to all of you.
Okay sentimentality over, below is the music video for A Mother’s Journey, a mini version of the short film, all of course, with minimal dialogue.
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