It’s finally official, yesterday picture was locked on A Mother’s Journey and now it’s a case of waiting for sound design and the grade to be done. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far, but this film still has a long way to go before it is as AMAZING as I know it can be.
When I started this journey, I had aspirations of submitting it to the big festivals, getting in and eventually winning an Oscar. Some may say it’s an impossible dream, a pipe dream given the state of the industry today. But I can’t let those old fears derail me and hold me captive, what I’ve got to keep doing is striving and reaching for the improbable. Not sure who said it, but it’s a quote I love to write when doing a book signing;
Reach for the stars and the moon shall be yours.
So I’m reaching for the impossible and along the way I’m sure I’ll meet the improbable, but then again life is a journey and I’m grateful to still be able to pursue my dreams. The trailer is coming soon which I hope you’ll enjoy, in the meantime watch this space for more news on the progress on A Mother’s Journey.
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