A bit dramatic, but what most people strive for. Not the dying, the getting rich bit. It’s 2am and I’m down in the doldrums, mainly because I’m buckling under the sheer weight of friends’ expectations. Now that I’ve got The Agent, everyone is expecting the big pay day, they’re rubbing their hands together and thinking JK Rowling and Dan Brown. What they don’t seem to realise is that there are millions of writers out there and I’m just one of the many. Yes I’m doing all I can to raise my profile and awareness, but sometimes I feel like I’m clinging to a rafter in the middle of the ocean during a tropical storm.
Yes, I do have an Agent, but I know it’s only half the battle. If I do get a publishing deal, I can expect as little as £3,000, which according to rumour is what JK got. My friends are rubbing their hands together in anticipation of a six figure sum. I’ve tried to prepare them for the worse, but they keep telling me to stop being negative. I’m just seeing it as it is, I’ve got my eyes wide open, I don’t like what I see, but I’ve got to deal with it. It’s the nature of the industry I’m in, they take less chances on unknown wannabe writers. I just hope my Agent convinces them I’m worth a second look.
Gripe over going to bed now.
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