Hmmm, where do I start? So Justin sent me the branch list some months ago and I finally got round to calling my nearest branch in Kensington. Let’s just say their reception verged on the frosty side, I called about 5 times before I finally got hold of the right person. I was told to send a copy of the book, which I did. This time however, I included a SAE, being as I can’t afford to give the books away for free anymore.

Yesterday I called to ask if a decision had been made, it should have dawned on me that they weren’t interested in stocking it, considering I’d sent it to them over a month ago. Anyway, I was told kindly that they stock a wide range of books and don’t need to add to their titles. What could I say to that, nothing. I asked for my book back and I was told it was in the post room 3 floors up.

Since I live just down the road, I thought why not put a face to the voice so I told Pattie, (their fiction buyer) that I’ll come and pick it up instead. Needless to say she didn’t want me coming to the shop, but I insisted. Which brings me to the reason for my rant, when I got there she turned round and said to me ‘Oh this is my colleague who makes the decisions on biographies.’ She obviously didn’t read it, yet she decided not stock it based on what? I don’t know. Worse yet, they’ve lost the book. According to Pattie, it was posted several days ago. Yet to turn up on this end, I doubt I’ll see it, I just wish she was a bit more honest. 🙁

I’ve now gone beyond frustrated, maybe what I need to do is open a bookshop and stock it with only copies of Imagine This. 🙂